Professions and skills

to discover

40 professions

in the dairy industry

60,000 people

work in dairy companies


and processing workshops (more than 10 people)

CAP à BAC+8 (high school diploma to 8 years' college/university)

training at all levels

A variety of jobs

40 professions concern the dairy industry. Among these, on the production line: the Packaging Line Supervisor, the Cheese Technician, the Butter Maker, the Quality Manager, the Analysis Laboratory Manager, the Order Manager, etc.

But the dairy industry is not just about jobs in processing. There are Management Assistants, Human Resources Managers, Merchandisers, Sales Representatives and even other trades that adapt their skills to the milk industry.

Most processing sites are located in rural areas near the production sites. Dairy factories therefore play a crucial role in maintaining the economic fabric and activity of the countryside. Thus, all the sites make it possible to maintain an activity spread over almost all the French regions. 85% of employees live in municipalities with fewer than 15,000 inhabitants.

From CAP to Bac +8 (vocational high school diploma to 8 years' college/university)

France has many educational institutions. Dairy schools (ENIL) train those who will become experts in their field. Continuous training schools within companies also allow employees to continue their training. A range of training courses at all levels is offered, from CAP to BTS (2-year technical diploma), and even Bachelors degrees, Masters, Engineering and Doctoral training in partnership with universities. These schools and universities support the development of the sector and forge close links with companies.

Tomorrow’s training courses are designed today. Jobs are coming into the sector in data processing: statisticians, computer scientists and process specialists, to advance to Industry 4.0, which will be more and more connected. All information is stored, linked and interpreted to optimise the production and processing stages.


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Discover how milk
is turned into dairy products